In Memoriam: Opening Plenary & Ceremony
We open this year’s conference with a discussion of the importance of memory at Black museums and historic sites. Join us as we honor and remember the lives lost during the pandemic through an African Diaspora-inspired remembrance ceremony.
- Post on Social Media
Share names and photos on social media with #AAAM2021 #AAAMancestors #BlackMuseums @blackmuseums
- Create your own ceremony at home
- Photo of the beloved soul(s)/ departed one(s)
- Source of light (candle, flashlight, small lamp)
- Plant or flowers
- Glass of water
- Piece of cloth (to place your items on)
- Journal
- Sage or sage spray (optional)
- Object or clothing from departed one (optional)
- Find a comfortable space. It can be either indoors or outdoors. Try to connect close to the sun, a body of water, sand or soil.
- Place your items on top of the cloth.
- Prepare the space for the ceremony
- Optional – cleanse the space by either burning sage or using a sage room spray. Instructions for sage burning
- Sit quietly, clear all distractions from your mind take several deep breaths.
- Think about your intentions for this moment.
- During the ceremony
- Touch the Earth (soil or sand) beneath your feet
- Pour the glass of water into the plant or the Earth.
- Say the names of your beloved soul(s)/ departed ones(s)
- Join the second line
Join in the second line tradition with jazz musician Delfeayo Marsalis. Dance like no one is watching as you celebrate the life of your beloved soul(s)/ departed ones(s)
- Umbrella
- Handkerchief
- Celebratory Spirit
Remember, “It is in the roots, not the branches, that a tree’s greatest strength lies.” ~ Matshona Dhliwayo “
Let us REACH BACK, touch our ROOTS and do this in REMEMBRANCE of them.
Ashe! Sankofa!