As part of our new IMLS grant, we are looking for volunteers (5-7 Directors, and 5-7 non-Director members of any type) to help us think long-term.  We will hold two virtual meetings, probably in September, to brainstorm “measures of effectiveness” for the actions we take to implement the Strategic Plan in the next year or so.  We invite you to nominate yourself to help us create a list of impacts or outcomes: Are we serving members’ (your) needs? Is the Association making a difference in members’ professional lives? (and how would we measure that?) We are seeking young members, older members, new members, long-term members, people from different sizes of museums as well as independent members who don’t work in museums –a cross-section of who we are.  


Your responsibility will be to think about some questions ahead of time, and participate in a virtual discussion of 1½ to 2 hours.  The meetings (one for Directors, one for non-Directors) will be facilitated by Vedet Coleman-Robinson, Executive Director, and Jeff Hayward, long-term AAAM member and our researcher on this project. 


Ready? SIGN UP BELOW before SEPTEMBER 4th, 2020.  Include a sentence or two about why you want to help with this and/or what kinds of member impacts you could talk about. 


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