All sessions listed below will take place August 14-16.  Times for each session are TBD.

Please also, check the At-A-Glance schedule to refer to additional offerings for our time in Baltimore, MD during #AAAM2024

46th Annual AAAM Conference – Commemorating the 60th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act

Conference Theme: Acknowledging Legacy, Fostering Progress:  Commemorating the 60th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act

Conference Dates: August 13-16, 2024

Location: Baltimore, Maryland

Hashtag:  #AAAM2024

The Association of African American Museums (AAAM) obtained proposals for presentations, sessions, workshops, and discussions for our 46th Annual Conference, which will be held in Baltimore, Maryland, from August 13 to 16, 2024. The theme for this year’s conference is “Acknowledging Legacy, Fostering Progress” as we commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act.

Theme Overview:

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is a landmark piece of legislation that has had a profound impact on civil rights and social justice in the United States. Its passage marked a pivotal moment in the ongoing struggle for equality, justice, and equity. This conference seeks to acknowledge the contributions African and African American-focused museums and cultural institutions have made throughout the diaspora in preserving, interpreting, and advancing the legacy of the Civil Rights Act.

As we commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act, we invited members and supporters to contribute to this important conversation and help us acknowledge the legacy while fostering progress in our communities and institutions.


Session Title
In Celebration of the 60th Anniversary: 60 Ideas to Sustain and Excel Fundraising Succcess
The Intersection of Justice and Heritage: Dr. Joyce Ladner’s Insights on the Movement and its legacy in Black Museums
The Infinite Legacy of Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray
Advocacy and the Arts: How the Generative Transfer of Knowledge Fosters Social Justice Progress
Rest, Revolution, and Reflection: The Dual Legacy of Black Museums and the Civil Rights Act of 1964
STEM in Color
Out of the shadows: Tools and tactics telling emerging stories in low-cost, interactive exhibits for Civil Rights Exhibits
Command Your Legacy, Chart Your Course: Strategic Planning for Visionary African American Leadership
Transformative Legacies: The Impact of an IMLS Grant on a Black Visual Arts Institution
America’s National Parks: Building Partnership in Preservation
Latinx Studies at Black Museums is Anti-Colonial
Reimagining Historically Black Institutions in the 21st Century
From Founder to Future
Empowering Futures: Engaging Youth and Communities in African and African American-focused Museums
Being Secure and Safe: Security Where It Most Counts and Best Practices of a Safety Coordinator
An Interactive “Critical Care” Approach to Developing Digital Learning Resources
How Safe Are You-Continuing Discussion-Combatting & Responding to Security Issues in Black Museums
Command Your Legacy, Chart Your Course: Strategic Planning for Visionary African American Leadership
Practice and Theory: How Internships Inform History Students About the Long Civil Rights Movement
Self Determination in the District
The Harriet Jacobs Project: Place, Public Art, and Community Engagement as Witness and Ways Forward
“Curating Progress: The Role of HBCU’s in Museum Studies and Historical Preservation”
Immersive Storytelling in Traveling Exhibitions
Building Sustainability for African American Museums Through Community Oral Histories
The Power of Collaboration: A Blueprint for Digitization Projects
Curating Change: How the NAAMCC Cultivates the Next Generation of Museum Professionals
The Power of Narratives: Sharing Stories of Civil Rights Activism
Vote for Survival: The Black Panther Party Museum Interprets the Civil Rights Act
Liberation’s Messages
Freedom, Activism and Culture
The Burroughs-Wright Legacy: Remembering Dr. Margaret Burroughs and Dr. Charles H. Wright
Collaborating to provide scholarly work and discussion with civil rights history in the National Park Service
Erasing Red Lines | Placemaking for the Culture
Introduction to Federal Funding Opportunities
Let Us March On: Building a Legacy on Your Pathway to Excellence – A Core Documents Workshop
Birmingham, Jackson, and Memphis: Complicating the Long History of the Civil Rights Act