All sessions listed below will take place August 14-16. Times for each session are TBD.
Please also, check the At-A-Glance schedule to refer to additional offerings for our time in Baltimore, MD during #AAAM2024
Additional concurrent sessions will be released in the coming weeks.
Session Title |
In Celebration of the 60th Anniversary: 60 Ideas to Sustain and Excel Fundraising Succcess |
The Intersection of Justice and Heritage: Dr. Joyce Ladner’s Insights on the Movement and its legacy in Black Museums |
The Infinite Legacy of Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray |
Advocacy and the Arts: How the Generative Transfer of Knowledge Fosters Social Justice Progress |
Rest, Revolution, and Reflection: The Dual Legacy of Black Museums and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 |
STEM in Color |
Out of the shadows: Tools and tactics telling emerging stories in low-cost, interactive exhibits for Civil Rights Exhibits |
Command Your Legacy, Chart Your Course: Strategic Planning for Visionary African American Leadership |
Transformative Legacies: The Impact of an IMLS Grant on a Black Visual Arts Institution |
America’s National Parks: Building Partnership in Preservation |
Latinx Studies at Black Museums is Anti-Colonial |
Reimagining Historically Black Institutions in the 21st Century |
From Founder to Future |
Empowering Futures: Engaging Youth and Communities in African and African American-focused Museums |
Being Secure and Safe: Security Where It Most Counts and Best Practices of a Safety Coordinator |
An Interactive “Critical Care” Approach to Developing Digital Learning Resources |
How Safe Are You-Continuing Discussion-Combatting & Responding to Security Issues in Black Museums |
Command Your Legacy, Chart Your Course: Strategic Planning for Visionary African American Leadership |
Practice and Theory: How Internships Inform History Students About the Long Civil Rights Movement |
Self Determination in the District |
The Harriet Jacobs Project: Place, Public Art, and Community Engagement as Witness and Ways Forward |
“Curating Progress: The Role of HBCU’s in Museum Studies and Historical Preservation” |
Immersive Storytelling in Traveling Exhibitions |
Building Sustainability for African American Museums Through Community Oral Histories |
The Power of Collaboration: A Blueprint for Digitization Projects |
Curating Change: How the NAAMCC Cultivates the Next Generation of Museum Professionals |
The Power of Narratives: Sharing Stories of Civil Rights Activism |
Vote for Survival: The Black Panther Party Museum Interprets the Civil Rights Act |
Liberation’s Messages |
Freedom, Activism and Culture |
The Burroughs-Wright Legacy: Remembering Dr. Margaret Burroughs and Dr. Charles H. Wright |
Collaborating to provide scholarly work and discussion with civil rights history in the National Park Service |
Erasing Red Lines | Placemaking for the Culture |
Introduction to Federal Funding Opportunities |
Let Us March On: Building a Legacy on Your Pathway to Excellence – A Core Documents Workshop |
Birmingham, Jackson, and Memphis: Complicating the Long History of the Civil Rights Act |